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Variant 18 Autumn 2003
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Cover by Dominic Thackray

"When examined, answer with questions."
Susannah Thompson interviews Jenny Holzer
Susannah Thompson interviews Jenny Holzer and works to pin down Holzer's views on the institutional and incidental contexts of her practice. Not an easy job...

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An overdue exposé of the privatisation of the Welfare system in the UK, and the involvement of PPPs in forcing people into low paid work. AWoL exposes the underlying intimidation and bullying in WorkingLinks' profiteering from the poverty of others. If you are a claimant, you must read this!

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illustrations by Paul Bommer

Poverty, Inequality & Minimum Income
Donnie Nicolson
Nicolson attacks the Blairite rhetoric on poverty, exposing new Labour's failure to genuinely get people out of poverty and low levels of income, especially the young.

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Figures of dissent
Liam O'Ruairc
A review of Terry Eagleton's latest collection of essays which deal with the innovative, more practical and political theoretical currents that have appeared over the last two decades -- in particular those of Spivak and Zizek.

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Video purified of television
On why video art wants to be boring

John Beagles & Dave Beech
An extensive article into why video art seeks to annihilate the pleasures associated with TV and the movies, preferring instead contemplative or meditative subjects, doing without narrative, dialogue and character.

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The world he has lost
Dave Hickey's beauty treatment

Grant Kester
Critical overview of the neo-conservative conception of beauty formed in the US in the 1990s -- one that attempts to preserve the magical power of the artwork, the artist as heroic visionary, the primacy of taste, and the aristocratic pleasures of the connoisseur.

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Blood curdling
Tom Jennings
Review of 'Resist: Protest', Crescent Arts, Scarborough -- critical reflections on what politics in art might entail these days?

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Putting Paid to War
Variant interviews 'At Ease'
Variant interviews 'At Ease' -- the independent, confidential advice and counselling service to members of the UK armed forces -- on the issues of conscientious objection, recruitment of ethnic minorities, bonded servitude and human rights.

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Crisis of Islamic Fundamentalism in Iran
Yassamine Mather
An exposé of the failings of political Islam in both economic and political spheres in Iran, and how it is increasingly becoming a capitalist dictatorship with strong nationalist and religious overtones.

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From Porridge to Pelf
Young Adam and the Mysterious Scottish Film Industry

Mike Small
"Is that body floating just beneath the surface our very own 'film industry' drowned by cultural stinginess, lack of vision and a hopeless lack of aspiration?"

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Shell-shocked art
Doug Aubrey
A personal account of Soba, the rock'n'roll star, the artist, the soldier, the cartoon character, and the complete media whore. A testament to the humour and resilience of the human spirit.

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Bosnia now = no future / no past
Bosnia and Herzegovina in the spring of 2003

Zlatko Hadzidedic
A detailed account of the outcome of the division of B&H and the creation of ethnically pure territories, where the past was forcefully expelled from public discourse by the'international community' amid claims that any reference to the past inevitably leads to new war.

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Wood Pulp and Glue
The Uncertain Future of Ideas

Gavin Jones
An argument against the prevailing business sense in the publishing industry -- one that is wilfully undermining a rich, diverse future in order to pursue quick returns.

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I am a cliché
David Adam
A personal account of the abhorrent changes to incapacity benefit and how it is affecting those with mental health issues -- the imposition of compulsory medical questionnaire forms and medical examinations, and the shift from therapy to work.

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Supplement: Document 1
International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
19–22nd September 2003 • UGC, Glasgow

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