
Variant Summer 85 issue 2

Cover drawing by John Rogan.


Notice of Exhibition.

Three views provoked by the British Art Show.

Glasgow art scene gossip by Cynical Bastard.

A short story by Farquhar McLay.

"Malcolm McLaren and the Sources of Punk" by John A. Walker

A modest dismissal of McLaren and a critique of Punk, by Calum MacIntyre

"Coercive Art: making Images Speak their Silences" by Colin McArthur.

"On the Writings of Raoul Vaneigem" by Clifford Harper.

An interview with Marjory Allthorpe-Guyton.

The Proper Subject of Art Today.

Transmission Gallery.

Poetry: Gerri Fellows
Billy Borland

Francesco Clemente/Steven Campbell.

Utopia exhibition at the Third Eye Centre.

Here & Now magazine.

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